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33 Fun Things To Do In Dawson City

(1)  Experience the poetry of Robert Service in his original cabin.

(2) Watch the blue Klondike River mingle with the silty-grey waters of the Yukon River.

(3) Visit the Visitor Centre. Watch the documentaries and enjoy the free coffee.

(4)  Hike the Yukon River Dike!

(5)  Enjoy a lecture about Jack London in the cabin he used to live.

(6)  Something disgusting??  “Drink” a human pickled toe.

(7)  Walk up to the Paddle Wheeler Graveyard in West Dawson.

(8)  Be lazy and watch the river flow by from the Hostel's sun deck.

(9)  Take part in a “Klondike Visitor Association” walking tour of Dawson City.

(10)  Play golf and have Fox / Moose / Bear watch your swing.

(11)  Find gold at Claim No. 6!

(12) Visit the Dawson City Museum Museum and their collection of gold.

(13)  Win money at Diamond Tooth Gertie's and watch the Can-Can dancers.

(14)  Take a mini-cruise on the Yukon River Ferry for the fun of it!

(15)  Visit the gold fields by bicycle and tour  Gold Dredge #4 and the Discovery Claim.

(16)  Hike up to the Midnight Dome and have a pick-nick along the way.

(17)  Paddle the Klondike River or float to Fortymile for a long day trip.

(18)  Walk 8th Avenue for great views.

(19)  Take the “Yukon Queen” for a day trip to Eagle, Alaska.

(20)  Go to the indoor swimming pool for a cool swim

(21)  Visit Tombstone Territorial Park on the Dempster Hwy.

(22)  Check out the displays at the Fire Hall Museum.

(23)  Hike upstream from the Hostel for great views.

(24) Write postcards form the Hostel's Sun deck.

(25)  Experience Native culture at the Dánaja Zho Centre.

(26)  Find “Super-Tasty-Fresh” veggies at the Farmer's Market every Saturday.

(27)  Get “Lost” in Dawson's 10 colourful bars and lounges!

(28)  Hike past the Historical Graveyards to Crocus Bluff.

(29) Sit around the fire pit, roast marshmallows and make new friends.

(30)  People watch” on Front St. with a cup of coffee / tea / ice cream.

(31) Visit the Library.

(32) Have a mud feast on Dawson's streets after a nice rainy day.

(33) Split wood.................and have a hot bath in the Hostel's Bath House.


.........any more ideas?   Let me know....



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