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Worldwide Photography by Dieter Reinmuth



I am, and therefore I see ...and there isn't a more honest, intimate and, yes ruthless way to 'see' than to photograph unaware people. The 'situations' are not staged, nor did the subjects know (at least that's what I believe) they were being photographed.


Many of the shots were 'one time' and 'one second' opportunities and the photos seen here took a few years to collect. Some were just luck - having my camera at the right spot at the right time...


Other shots were deliberately sought out by walking city streets or markets, observing life as it unfolded - watching people moving at their own rhythms, interacting, ignoring, lonely or lively. The results can be funny or sad; different people will see different things.


You may notice there is no 'travel' photography in this exhibition, even though the photographs were taken around the world, my focus was on 'people in situations'.  I would like to imply that scenic wonders would be nothing, if it were not for the human / animal life in our observation & awareness.


Natural beauty is nothing without 'us' noticing and if we do not notice, there is no natural beauty. Meaning: saying 'ah' to a sunset on printed paper might be fine, but finer still is to find your own 'live' sunset. Just enjoy, go out and 'see' what is out there.


About myself - No, I didn't study photography or art or...... I learned how to see by keeping my eyes open. That's all one can do. And yes, I do live in the Yukon. Any questions?  Ask me!!





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Great bum in China

Bear comes for tea










Street scene in Venice

Pink eyes in Venice

Fruithead in Venice



Lovers in Venice

Rejection's a dog's life in Dawson

Gold in a pan, Dawson City













Captain Dick of Sourtoe Fame


Carrots aging gracefully


Dieter's Art 1

Dieter's Art 2

Dieter's Art 3

Dieter's Art 4


You can purchase prints of Dieter's photography by contacting him.

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